In order to Be The Change, you must first discover who you are…

In 2023, I chose “Essence” as my Word of the Year, set out to ask the question, “Who am I?”...

The thing they don’t tell you about choosing a Word of the Year, is that it is a prayer, an invocation, a spell. I knew that by the end of 2023, I was going to be stripped down to the bare bones minimum of myself, and boy was I right. Throughout the year, I undid every story, opened every box, and freed myself from every prison I could perceive. It was a year of pushing the edges of experience, stretching myself to the limits of what I believed was possible...

In that time I completed a 4-day water-only fast, planned a birthday party for myself and 150 people, lost my job, gave up alcohol, adopted a dog, removed piercings I’d had since I was 21, went back to my natural hair color for the first time since I was 16, made friends, lost friends, stopped shaving my armpits (it’s not for everyone!), hosted a workshop at a 7000 person festival in the UK, told a man how I felt about him… the list goes on and on and on…


By November, I had discovered that all the things I thought I was were nothing more than stories. And more importantly, I realized that I had the power of choice to accept, reject, or otherwise alter and modify what I choose to believe about myself.

In a medicine ceremony with one of my best friends, I asked (again) about my purpose:

“The way you make money has nothing to do with your purpose. You can make money however you want. Your purpose is to embody the ESSENCE of your Heart - innocent and pure - offering grace and love to anyone you meet. That is your purpose. To BE THE CHANGE.


In order to BE THE CHANGE, you must first discover your ESSENCE. You must be willing to ask the hard questions, to look at the difficult or ugly places within, and to meet those parts with love. It is never about others - about placing the blame or the responsibility on them to rescue or fix us, but rather about radical self-responsibility for one’s own life.

In order to embody LOVE, we must learn to LOVE ourselves.

I hear you asking, “But how do I actually do that?”

Together, we will use the process of RITUAL ALCHEMY, a process of turning our personal lead into precious gold through the process of self-discovery, prayer, embodiment, and shadow work.

Each month, we will explore a new topic such as:

shame, grief, anger, ancestral healing, purpose, money, identity, ego, and more.

Together, we will embark on a journey of personal discovery in order to alchemize our sorrow into joy, our anger into action, our ugliness into beauty, and our suffering into medicine for the whole world.

Together, we will evoke the highest version of ourselves possible.

Together, we will BE THE CHANGE we want to see in the world.

This path toward healing takes the heart of a Warrior... and if you’re reading this, that’s you.

What’s Included



Pay What You Can DONATION (non-subscription)

  • 1x ritual alchemy workshop per month

    1x community connection call per month

  • Each week, participants will be given a “Be The Change” Challenge to complete individually or as a group.

  • Private Community Group Chat and connection with other members.

  • 2x optional retreats per year (not included in price)

    Essence members will receive 10% off retreat price

    Spring/Summer 2024 - Boulder, CO - Ritual Masks and Archetype Embodiment

    Fall/Winter 2024 - Austin, TX - Medicine Ceremony and Visionary Art Creation


The Tools

  • Monthly Rituals - altar work and ceremonial experiences

  • Seasonal Rituals - Honoring the cycles of life and the medicine available in each season and phase.

  • Alchemy - the process of self-purification

  • The Miracle Frequency - bringing Mind (thought), Heart (feeling), and Guts (action) into alignment.

  • Prayer Weaving - weaving our connected prayer into a tapestry of healing.

  • Shadow-hunting and Ego-taming - Becoming a “shadow hunter” and befriending your ego as your ally.

  • Embodiment Practices - Learning to express yourself, your emotions, and to honor the intelligence of the body through movement.

  • Creative Expression - Think you’re not creative? Think again.

  • Finding Balance - The masculine and the feminine, the heart and the mind, the infinite soul and the finite human.

  • The 7 Universal Laws - Why they matter and how to use them.

Are you ready to BE THE CHANGE?